Press article: Soil, what new life for marginal sites?
An article in the newspaper “Terre et Territoire” mentions the PHYTEO project (financed by ADEME within the framework of the APR Graine) on phytomanagement and

My thesis in 180 seconds
March 18, 2018 Interuniversity final of the Hauts-de-France at the UPJV – University of Picardy Jules Verne Amandine Ducousso, doctoral student of the IPCR team of Calais,

VOC workshop: VOC and health in construction
May 16, 2019, 9:30 am – 4:00 pm Kortrijk, Belgium Partners in the Interreg FWVL ET’Air, DepollutAir and TEXACOV projects are partnering to organize an

Post-Doc offer
The IPCR team of the UCEIV is recruiting a plant pathology researcher on a fixed-term contract to participate in the TRIPLET project (AAP A2U, 2018/2019),

Conference by Cédric Barroo
On 20/12/18 at 10 am at the initiative of the TCEP team; amphi MREI1, Dunkirk: Cédric Barroo, FNRS Researcher, Department of Physical Chemistry of Materials

7th North European workshop on VOC treatment
July 18 at 9am University of Namur – Pedro Arrupe Amphitheatre, Grandgagnage Street Namur, Belgium Within the framework of the DepollutAir and TEXACOV projects (GoToS3