X-Ray Diffraction

X-ray diffraction is a non-destructive technique for characterizing crystalline materials. It provides information on the structure, phases, preferred crystal orientations (texture) and other structural parameters such as average grain size, crystallinity, stress and crystal defects.

The device

Bruker “D8 Advance” diffractometer equipped with a LynxEye detector for fast and accurate acquisition of polycrystalline samples.
In addition we have the possibility to make measurements at room temperature using a 9-position sample changer or measurements from -193°C to 450°C using a TTK450 chamber.

Highlights :

  • No destructive effects
  • Quantitative measurement of phase content and texture orientation
  • Minimal or no sample preparation requirements

Boundaries :

  • Cannot identify amorphous materials
  • No depth profile information

Staff in charge

Renaud cousin

 MREI1 Building, 1 st floor


Christophe poupin

 MREI1 Building, 1 st floor



  • Crystalline phase identification of a large amount of bulk density and thin film samples.
  • Crystallite size determination for polycrystalline layers and polycrystalline materials.
  • Determination of the percentage of materials in crystalline form in relation to percentages of amorphous materials.
  • Measurement for small quantities of free powder or dry solution samples for phase identification

Research theme

  • Study of all materials with a crystalline phase.
  • Monitoring of crystalline phase as a function of temperature.


For any request for services or collaboration agreement, please contact the people in charge of DRX and specify your requirements.