NMR spectroscopy, an essential instrumental technique in the field of chemical analysis, is used to elucidate the structures of molecular or supramolecular compounds, as well as to study dynamic phenomena in various media and matrices.
The device
Nanobay NMR Avance III spectrometer coupled to Topspin 3.1 software.
The value of the magnetic field of the superconducting coil is equivalent to 9.4 T, i.e. a proton resonance frequency of 400 MHz.
It is equipped with a Smartprobe BBFO Plus probe allowing both direct and inverse detection, for a wide range of cores (1H, 2D, 13C, 15N, 19F, 31P,…) in liquids.
This probe is also equipped with a Z gradient, improving the pulse sequences and consequently the resolution/sensitivity in 2D NMR, and also allows the use of the DOSY NMR technique through the measurement of the diffusion coefficients of the different molecules giving rise to virtual separation and identification of the different molecules present in a mixture (“In Tubo” chromatography).
The variable temperature unit BSVT and the cooling unit BCU1 allow working through a wide temperature range from 0°C to 80°C.
Staff in charge

François Delattre
Scientific leader
Batiment IRENE, 1st floor
Tel : 03 28 65 82 46

Steven Ruellan
Technical leader
Batiment IRENE, 1st floor
Tel : 03 28 65 82 46
- Qualitative and quantitative determination of chemical structures of organic compounds in liquid state, in 1D (1H, 13C, 19F, 31P,15N,…) and 2D (COSY, HSQC/HMBC, NOESY/ROESY/HOESY,…).
- Control of chemical synthesis, purity, followed by chemical reactions.
- Study of molecular dynamics (relaxation time T1, diffusion coefficient D) and supramolecular interactions (inclusion phenomenon).
- Chromatography “in tubo” via the DOSY experiment.
Research theme
- Study of inclusion complexes of active molecules within host macrocycles (Cyclodextrins, Pillar[5]arene, …)
- Structural study of substances of plant origin (flax mucilage)
- Kinetic study of photodegradation of pesticides.
Access to the Unit’s NMR spectrometer is open to public and private research laboratories and scientific collaborations. Services are billed by the hour and offer a wide range according to needs:
- Request for occasional or regular NMR experiments (or on the basis of a contract) performed by the platform engineer: request for machine time for data acquisition with spectrum plotting. Data confidentiality is ensured.
- Contract of collaboration on an industrial theme.
- Scientific collaboration contract with public research laboratories.
For all requests for services or collaboration agreements, please contact the Service d’Activités Industrielles et Commerciales (SAIC), specifying in your requests:
- Company name (Private Company / Academic)
- Email and telephone contact
- Type of analysis requested
- Number of samples
- Solubility test already performed (Yes/No)
- Need an interpretation (Yes/No)
SAIC Contact :
- Administrative management : +33 (0)3 28 23 74 25 ; saic@univ-littoral.fr
- Direction : Sophie Fourmentin ; +33 (0)3 28 65 82 54 ; sophie.fourmentin@univ-littoral.fr