Thesis defense
HDR defense
Students Seminars
Thesis defense
- 15/12/23 at 09:00; amphi MREI1 Dunkerque: Pedro Villarim, CS team: New compact systems for biogas purification.
- 13/12/23 at 10:00 am; amphi MREI1 Dunkerque: Hamed Kalawoun, CS team: Application of acoustic cavitation to the pre-treatment of lignocellulosic biomass from flax and to the development of catalysts for catalytic reforming.
- 08/12/23 at 09H00; amphi MREI1 Dunkerque: Mariebelle Tannous, TCEP team: Study of the catalytic oxidation of oxygenated volatile organic compounds.
- 30/11/23 at 2pm; amphi MREI1 Dunkerque: Rémi Bouchiat, IPCR team: Design of a fungal biofilter for the treatment of effluents from car workshops.
- 29/11/23 at 09:30 am; amphi MREI1 Dunkerque: Michel Obeid, TCEP team: Catalytic evaluation of synthetic clays promoted by nickel under the effect of ultrasound in the methanation reaction.
- 25/11/23 at 3pm: Oumaima Akachoud, IPCR team: Study of the main factors determining the yield and quality of essential oils in Thymus satureioides, Thymus pallidus and Lavandula dentata, species threatened with extinction in Morocco.
- 17/10/23 at 14:00; amphi MREI1 Dunkerque: Nour Jaber, CTEA team: Toxicity of ethylbenzene and m-xylene alone and in a binary mixture in a model of human bronchial epithelial cells (BEAS-2B) exposed to an air-liquid interface.
- 27/03/24 at 14H00; amphi MREI1 Dunkerque: Margaux Cochard, CTEA team: Toxicity of atmospheric particles from urban-industrial and port areas and impact on the epithelial-mesenchymal transition of lung cells.
- 06/12/22 : Amandine Ducousso (ULCO/University of Montreal, Canada, co-supervision A. Lounès-Hadj Sahraoui and M. Hijri), IPCR team: Influence of plant-microbe-mycorrhizal fungus interaction on the biological dissolution of phosphates.
- 23/03/22 at 10:00 am ; MREI1 amphi Dunkerque, Stéphanie Alkoussa, CTEA team: Contribution of chemical fractions and signalling pathways to PM2.5 lung toxicity and extracellular vesicle production.
- 17/12/21 at 14:00 am ; auditorium of the doctoral school of the Lebanese University, Fanar in Lebanon, Lamia Nakhle, CS team: Development of solutions combining deep eutectic solvents and cyclodextrins for the solubilization of essential oils and aromas.
- 10/12/21 at 09:00 am ; auditorium of the Faculty of Sciences of the Saint-Joseph University of Beirut in Lebanon and visio amphi MREI1 Dunkerque: Marc Fadel, CTEA team: Characterization of aerosols and their sources in East Mediterranean Sites under industrial influence.
- 28/06/21 ; INAT (Tunis, Tunisie) : M. Jerbi, IPCR team : Study of mycorrhizal symbiosis in three strategic cereals in northern Tunisia and its impact on tolerance to water stress: case of naked barley (Hordeum vulgare ssp. nudum L.).
- 20/05/21 at 09:00 am ; INERIS Campanule room: Arnaud Grignet, IPCR team: Study of the phytoextraction performances of Zn and Cd from the hyperaccumulator Arabidopsis halleri and Salix viminalis.
- 21/03/21 ; N. Raouani, IPCR team : New biosourced molecules and arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi for the biocontrol of wheat plant pathogens.
- 22/02/21 at 09:30 am; Darses Dunkerque amphitheatre: Lamia Moufarrej, CTEA team: Study of the oxidative potential of PM2.5 and oxidative stress induced on BEAS-2B bronchial epithelial cells.
- 16/02/21 at 2:00 pm ; amphi visio Extension Dunkerque: Muriel Chaghouri, TCEP team: Analysis and purification of biogas by biofiltration and energy recovery by catalytic reforming.
- 12/02/20 at 3:00 pm ; visio in Lebanon: Rita Mahfouz, TCEP team: Elaboration and Characterization of Nickel and/or Ruthenium Based Catalysts for CO2 Valorization through the Methanation or the Dry Reforming of Methane Reactions.
- 11/02/21 at 10:00 am; amphi Darses Dunkerque: Rebecca El Khawaja, TCEP team: Study of catalytic materials for the oxidation of volatile organic compounds of industrial origin.
- 17/12/20 ; R. Raveau, IPCR team : Contribution to the development of an eco-innovative sector for the phytomanagement of soils polluted by trace elements: cultivation of aromatic plants and production of essential oils.
- 11/12/20 at 3:00 pm ; Doctoral School of Science and Technology at the Lebanese University, Faculty of Science II, Fanar, Lebanon: Tracy El Achkar, CS team: Deep Eutectic Solvents: characterization, interaction with synthetic and biological membranes, and solubilization of volatile bioactive compounds.
- 09/11/20 at 10:30 am; amphi Darses Dunkerque: Nancy AlHaddad, CS team: Synthesis of new complexing entities based on calix[4]pyrrole for the decontamination of aquatic environments with natural radionuclides.
- 19/11/19 at 10 am ; amphi1 Dunkerque : Tarek Moufawad, CS team: Development of new washing solvents for the absorption of Volatile Organic Compounds.
- 06/11/19 at 10 am ; amphi MREI1 Dunkerque : Hadi Dib, TCEP team : Catalytic treatment of emissions from biomass combustion.
- 04/11/19 ; amphi MREI1 Dunkerque : Corentin Mussa, CS team : Development and characterisation of bio-based composite materials based on mucilage and flax fibres.
- 07/10/19 ; amphi C001 Calais: Alice Fourquez, IPCR team : Innovative solutions for wheat health combining applications of biostimulants and Plant Defense Stimulators (PDS).
- 03/10/19 ; amphi MREI1 Dunkerque : Clémence Meausoone, CTEA team : Air-liquid interface study of the toxicity of Volatile Organic Compounds during repeated exposure. Case of toluene, its homologues and emissions from its catalytic oxidation.
- 30/09/19 ; amphi MREI1 Dunkerque : Ghidaa Badran, CTEA team: Particulate Air Pollution: Physico-chemical characterization and comparison of the toxic effects of the extractable and non-extractable organic fractions of PM2.5.
- 05/06/19 ; amphi MREI1 Dunkerque : Clémence Moitessier, CS team : Development of ortho-phthalaldehyde derivatives and Quantum Dots type nanomaterials for the improvement of fluorimetric analysis of biogenic amines.
- 22/03/19 ; University of Balamand, Lebanon: Nathalie Elia, TCEP team : Energy valorization of CO2 via catalytic methanation.
- 25/01/2019 ; Cheick Anta Diop University, Dakar, Senegal, joint thesis, Awa NDong, CTEA team: Outdoor and indoor air pollution in Dakar: pollution characterization, toxicological impact and epidemiological evaluation of exposure and effect markers.
- 17/12/18 ; Lebanese University, thesis in co-supervision : Eliane Dahdah, TCEP team : Catalytic vaporization of gycerol for hydrogen production.
- 4/12/18 at 11am by videoconference in MREI1 ; Lebanese University, thesis in co-tutorial : Cynthia Abou Serhal, TCEP team: Total oxidation of Volatile Organic Compounds (VOC) on transition metal catalysts prepared by hydrotalcite: Effect of microwaves on the synthesis method.
- 28/09/18 at 10am; Dunkirk: Amélie Héliot ; CTEA team: Study of the cellular response and extracellular vesicles produced by primary macrophages exposed to fine particles (PM2.5).
- 12/07/18 ; Lille : Samara Mejri : IPCR team : Identification and characterization of the mode of action of novel bio-sourced resistance inducers on the wheat-Zymoseptoria tritici pathosystem.
HDR defense
- 06/12/18 at 10H, amphi MREI1 Dunkerque : Cedric Gennequin, TCEP team : Contribution to the study of the catalytic properties of mixed oxides based on cobalt and/or nickel in the dry reforming reaction of methane for biogas recovery
- 08/12/17 at 10H ; amphi MREI1 Dunkerque : Frédéric Ledoux, CTEA team : Contribution to the identification of atmospheric particle sources and to the study of their impact on air quality and health
- 18/10/17 at 14H ; amphi MREI1 Dunkerque : Sylvain Billet, CTEA team : Atmospheric particle toxicity – from physical, chemical and biological characterization to identification of cellular mechanisms of action
- 08/02/17 at 10H30 ; amphi MREI1 Dunkerque : François Delattre, CS team : Contributions to the development and study of supramolecular systems – Applications of fluorescence spectroscopy to environmental analysis
Students Seminars
- 07/07/22 at 11am; amphi MREI1 in Dunkerque and videoconference: seminar for post-docs and ATERs :
- Lamia Nakhle, CS – Deep eutectic solvents:water:cyclodextrins mixtures for the retention of aromas and essential oils.
- Marc Fadel, CTEA – Characterisation of PM2.5 and their sources in two Eastern Mediterranean sites.
- Thierry Allario, IPCR – The mycorrhizal fungus Funneliformis mosseae as a biocontrol agent for wheat septoria.
- Muriel Chaghouri and Sharad Gupta, TCEP – Catalytic processes for air pollution management and energy production.
- 24/06/21 at 14H; amphi MREI1 in Dunkerque and videoconference: Seminar for 1st year PhD students on the theme of impact on living organisms and remediation:
- Pedro Villarim, CS team: “New compact systems for biogas purification”.
- Nour Jaber, CTEA team: “Characterisation, understanding and modelling of the toxicity of BTEX mixtures”.
- Rémi Bouchiat, IPCR team: “Design of a fungal biofilter for the treatment of effluents from automobile workshops”.
- Mariebelle Tannous, TCEP team: “Study of the catalytic oxidation of oxygenated volatile organic compounds of industrial origin”.
- 02/05/19 at 14H ; amphi MREI1 at Dunkerque : Post-Doctoral seminar :
- Somenath Panda, CS team : “Deep Eutectic Solvents (DES): Thermophysical Properties and application towards solubilization of organic compounds”.
- Yuko Krzyzaniak, IPCR team : “Helping crop plants protect themselves against disease”.
- Guillaume Rochard, TCEP team : “Oxidation of volatile organic compounds in small quantities in the air”.
- Thierry Allario, CTEA team : “Effects of different SDP treatments on the expression of target genes involved in wheat defense”.
- 23/05/18 at 14H ; amphi MREI1 at Dunkerque : Doctoral students seminar :
- Hadi Dib, TCEP team: Catalytic treatment of emissions from biomass combustion.
- Nancy Haddad, CS Team : Synthesis of new complexing entities based on calix[4] pyrrole for the decontamination of natural radionuclides in aquatic media
- Robin Raveau, IPCR team: The production of essential oils with organic activities: an eco-innovative sector for the reconversion of historically contaminated soils.
- Ghidaa Badran, CTEA team: Air pollution in Lebanon: Toxic effects of nitrated PAHs (n-HAPs) and oxygenated PAHs (o-HAPs) of a particulate atmospheric aerosol (PM2.5) on a model of bronchial epithelial cells (BEAS-2B), under rural/urban influence.
- 04/05/17 at 14H ; amphi MREI1 at Dunkerque : Post-Doctoral Seminar/ATER :
- Morgane Comby, IPCR team: Bio-prospecting, characterization and antagonistic effects of endophytes isolated from wheat to control fusarium head blight.
- Moisés Cesario, TCEP team : Valorisation of biogas and CO2 for hydrogen production: product with high added value and energy.
- Mélodie Sawicki, IPCR team: Towards a sustainable agriculture by increasing plant tolerance to biotic stress under climatic change.
- Abderrakib Zahid, IPCR team: Plant health: identification of plant defence stimulators capable of improving resistance against pathogenic attacks.
- Simone Poddighe, CTEA team: Metabolomics in clinical and toxicological research.
- 08/03/17 at 14H ; Mahammed Amphi Poincaré Building in Calais : Doctoral Students Seminar :
- Margueritta Al-Zallouha, CTEA team: Biomarkers of particulate air pollution toxicity influenced by age.
- Corentin Musa, CS team: Development and characterization of bio-based composite materials based on mucilaginous bioadhesives and flax fibers.
- Nathalie Elia, TCEP team : Catalytic energy recovery of CO2.
- Imad El Alam, IPCR team: Characterization of chemical pollution, eco/toxicity assessment and production of essential oils from plant biomass produced on a soil of the Bekaa (Lebanon).
- 14/12/23 at 15:30 at the initiative of the CS team (theme: chemical remediation and applications of green solvents) ; amphi MREI1, Dunkerque:
- Dr Leila Moura from QUILL Research Centre, Queens University, Belfast: “Tools for screening solubility and understanding interactions in ionic liquids”.
- Dr Patrycia Makoś-Chełstowska from Department of Process Engineering and Chemical Technology Faculty of Chemistry, Gdansk University of Technology, Gdansk : “Application of deep eutectic solvents (DES) in separation processes”.
- Dr Alessandro Triolo from Instituto Struttura della Materia, Rome : “Solvation of cyclodextrins in ILs & DES.”
- 20/09/23 at 9.30 a.m. at the initiative of the CS team (theme: chemical
remediation) ; amphi MREI1, Dunkerque : Ardila Hayu Tiwikrama, Assistant Professor, National Taiwan University of Science and Technology (PHC ORCHID).
- 26/10/22 at 2pm, organised by the CS team (theme: adding value to biomass) ; amphi MREI1, Dunkerque: Jean-Marc Lévèque, senior lecturer in the Rheology and Processes Laboratory at Grenoble Alpes University: The contribution of acoustic cavitation to biomass recovery.
15/09/22 at 2 pm, organised by the CTEA team (theme: biological remediation) ; amphi MREI1, Dunkerque: Stéphane Bruzaud, professor at the Université de Bretagne Sud: Custom biosynthesis of polyhydroxyalkanoates: towards polymers with programmed (bio)degradation?
- 07-07-24 at 13:30 at the initiative of the CTEA team (theme: impact on living organisms); amphi MREI1, Dunkerque: seminar on “new approaches and emerging pollutants in eco.toxicology”:
- Céline Brochot, Ineris – PBPK models: predicting the fate of toxic substances in living organisms.
- Enrico Mombelli, Ineris – QSAR models: predicting the harmfulness of a pollutant according to its chemical functions.
- Karine Audouze, University of Paris – AOP models: unravelling the interaction between chemical and biological molecules to understand the harmful effect.
- Guillaume Duflos, Anses – Health impact of micro/nanoplastics.
- 03/03/22 at 2.30 p.m. at the initiative of the CTEA team (theme: impact on living organisms); amphi MREI1, Dunkerque : Recent advances in the study of the impact of toxic substances on living organisms. The speakers are:
Pr Christian ROLANDO and Dr Fabrice BRAY, University of Lille, MSAP – UAR 3290, EU FT-ICR MS: Advanced mass spectrometry methods in proteomics and metabolomics. Omics” approaches are aimed at the collective characterisation and quantification of pools of biological molecules that translate into the structure, function and dynamics of one or more organisms: all of which is often used to describe or understand a phenotype. High and very high resolution mass spectrometry methods and their applications to identify proteins and metabolites of a biological sample (human, animal, plant, fossil…) will be developed here.
Prof. Claude EMOND, University of Montreal, PKSH: Physiologically based pharmacokinetic (PBPK) modelling: a predictive tool for the fate of environmental contaminants in the body. PBPK models are mathematical models that predict the absorption, distribution, metabolism and excretion (ADME) of natural or synthetic chemicals in humans or animals. PBPK models are used in the risk assessment of chemicals and in the research and development of new drugs.
10/06/21 at 2pm at the initiative of the CS team (theme: adding value to biomass) ; amphitheatre MREI1, Dunkerque: Brigitte Chabbert and Angélique Gainvors-Claisse, University of Reims Champagne Ardenne, INRAE, FARE: “Reasoned deconstruction of lignocellulosic biomass by biological means.
23/05/19 at 2 pm at the initiative of the CS team (theme: chemical remediation) ; amphi MREI1, Dunkerque : Thorsteinn Loftsson, Professor at the Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences in Reikjavik (Iceland) : “Cyclodextrin aggregation and topical drug delivery to the eye”.
20/12/18 at 10 am at the initiative of the TCEP team ;amphi MREI1, Dunkerque : Cédric Barroo, FNRS Researcher, Department of Physical Chemistry of Materials and Catalysis at the Université Libre de Bruxelles : Studies of catalytic processes on a nanoscale.
13/06/17 at 14H at the initiative of the CTEA team, amphi MREI1 Dunkerque : Jørn Holme, Department of Air Pollution and Noise (Norwegian Institute of Public Health, Oslo, Norvège : Mechanisms involved in DNA damage and inflammatory responses of urban air particle pollution.
13/06/17 at 14H at the initiative of the CTEA team; Dominique Lagadic, head of the Inserm Stress, Membrane and Signalling team (SMS team) at the IRSET (Institut de Recherche en Santé, Environnement et Travail – UMR Inserm 1085, in Rennes): Cancerogenous effects of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons: which roles for the plasma membrane?